Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I'm less than a day away from the start of the school year.  
So what?  Well, first meeting with the field education (aka internship) director at the seminar.  First time getting through the seminary in-box.  First time saying with earnest, "I'm a seminarian."  First "night before school" butterflies.  First workshop on Inter-Cultural Competencies begins tomorrow.  First time to morning prayer in the new-interim chapel.  First ...

It's all good.  And I pray that when I am filled with the What If? butterflies, I'll remember what one wise person asked me to consider, "Where are your feet?" and "It's okay not to know."  I pray that I pack these mantras in my book bag tomorrow.

The good news is that my feet are here.  Every day is a first.  Every day is a gift.  Every day is sweet grace.

What Firsts are showing up in this moment for you?