Friday, September 18, 2009


September 14, 2009
Have mercy on me, O God, for my enemies are hounding me; all day long they assault and oppress me. Ps 56:1

My enemies are all those busy inner voices who critique me to the point of paralysis. I pray that God will silence them. I pray that I will have the courage, some day, to turn around and say "back in the box with you!" I am learning how to do that.

One way to keep these enemies at bay is to pay attention to self-care. Today we spent three hours exploring self-care for pastoral ministers. We shared some practical techniques. Mindfully, we examined a piece of fruit, and tried chewing it for as long as possible before swallowing it. One grape filled my mouth completely!

Our dessert was five minutes of continuous breathing.

If I continue to honor self-care, I will have a greater capacity for creativity and for silencing my enemies, with God's help. And with the accountability of my colleagues, I'll keep it up! Thanks, buddies!

How are you experiencing God's mercy today?

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