Saturday, August 15, 2009

Final Week - Not So Fast

August 13, 2009
Whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all. Acts 10:43-44

Just because the summer unit is finishing and five of the Chaplain Interns are leaving TOMORROW, doesn't mean my work is really done. Nope. I have one more final evaluation to write, about my work with the Oncology/Palliative Care unit.

Oh, and then there is the meeting with the Professional Advisory Group (tomorrow) to present my final evaluations to them, and ask for their guidance in my learning goals. Since my real learning goal is to realize that much about chaplain work is, well, not really 'work' at all. It's more 'being' and often 'waiting.' The PAG can discuss this with me, and will challenge me about this, for sure.

The new on-call schedule for four residents means that we'll each be on call every four days (gulp) until the new Externs begin their once/week rotation. So, I see myself as really a servant to this program for another ten months, anyway. Just because it's "final week" - it's really not.

We residents have decided to borrow the sign from the front of the Behavior Health unit: "Caution! Flight Risk! Open Door Carefully"

To whom or what are you a servant, right now?

1 comment:

  1. Right now I am a servant to my grandchildren and to the people I serve through my jobs. Today was 90% grandchildren, and though I found myself reaching deep into my well for energy at times, the well provided what I needed. The children are now asleep, happy to be in their grandparents' home.

    Thanks be to God!
